Monday, December 23, 2013


If, hypothetically speaking, one were to set a goal for sometime in the future, but during the time needed to achieve that goal, the person's whole existence was redefined, would that person be considered a loser for not meeting the original goal?  I'm asking for a, uh, friend.

Didn't buy that answer, huh?  Me, neither.  As I see the big 4-Oh on the horizon, I've been beating myself up for not being even remotely close to meeting an arbitrary goal I set for myself a couple of years ago (to be achieved before turning 40).  Never mind that everything has changed in quite dramatic fashion since I made that goal.  Still, I cling to it, and belittle myself for not working toward it.  I try not to go down that path that leads to the shame spiral.  (Tick-tock.  Five months left to go.  Get a move on, girl!)

Is it acceptable to change goals?  Or is one perceived as a quitter for not seeing it through?

I'm a Walker, not a Baker

What it was supposed to look like

The result

Totally nailed it