Thursday, January 27, 2011

Communication Breakdown

Conversation with Drake yesterday afternoon.

Me:  Drake, we are going to go to Metropolitan Market.  It's the place that has the carts your size that you like to push around.
Drake:  Mommy, when we are there, can we get some bells.  When you eat them, they get smaller and they are rainbow colored.
M:  You want bells that get smaller when you eat them and are rainbow colored?
D:  No, Mommy, bells.
M:  Bells?
D:  Bells.
M:  Bells?
D:  No.  Beeeeeeeeeelllllllllllsssssss.
M: [Light bulb going on over head]  Drake, do you mean bears?
D:  Yes, bears.
M:  Gummi bears?
D:  Yes, gummi bears.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I can tell that I've been sick. January is almost over and my taxes aren't done yet. Egad! I have entered our W-2 forms. I laughed aloud when entering my wage figures from last year. I made more last year teaching part time than during my first year teaching high school. Ha!

Just for fun, I looked up the current salary schedule for Chandler Unified. Starting salary: $35K. In ten years, it has increased $10K. Not bad. It's not great. Keep in mind that in most states, secondary teachers are paid more than elementary teachers (not true of CUSD). The average salary of a secondary teacher in the country is now $52K. California has the highest average salary for secondary teachers at $63K. Who knew?
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Turning 2

Around these parts, the second birthday celebration is non-existent.  Drake missed out on a party because he became violently ill the morning of the scheduled party.  Flynn ended up following in Drake's footsteps.  We were all so very ill.
Our kitchen counter.
A pharmacy threw up here.
We did manage to have a treat with the boys and Mom and Dad. 
Brownies with lots of frosting.
(The frosting was the first to go.)
Although the celebration was low key, he didn't seem to mind.  He still got presents that he loves.
Grandpa showing how the crane can pick up a monster truck.
We are just now returning to the land of the living.  Maybe next year, we won't be sick.  (Knock on wood)
Happy Birthday, Little Dude!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Untimely departure

The daughter of an old friend died today. Over the weekend, she overdosed. She was in a medical-induced coma, and there were glimmers of hope that her condition would improve. Sadly, she lost the battle today. A lovely 17 year old has departed this realm far too early.

I do not know the details as to why she did what she did. Was it over a boy? Was she tormented at school? Did she have a chemical imbalance? I don't know. When I was a teenager, I made an "attempt", but it was really for attention. Whatever was plaguing this girl, it was far more serious.

I am a fan of the It Gets Better Project, a movement to let young gay and lesbian teens that life will improve once you leave high school. I think this needs to be expanded to all teenagers. School is hell. Wading through the shark-filled social waters can be taxing on even the most grounded of people.  And, let's face it, if you peak in high school, you have bigger issues.

We tend to get wrapped up in the trivialities of daily life. I'm trying to figure out how to get all the golden eggs on Angry Birds, and my friend now has to plan her daughter's funeral. So, tonight, hug you little ones a little tighter.
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Friday, January 14, 2011

Mobile blog (it's late)

I'm up late, and I am playing with my new phone. This round of illnesses has really hit this family hard. The boys are on the mend, as evidenced by the fighting and bickering. Lots of regression in both. So tired. But, I'm really digging my Droid. And, yes, I have downloaded Angry Birds.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What I've learned this week: The Mega-Illness Edition.

We are all sick.  Between the four of us, there are five ear infections and two sinus infections.  Hooray!  Here is what I have learned in the past week.

*If either of my children is really, really still, he is super duper sick.  Get him to a doctor right away. 
*If either of my children is really, really still, it's unsettling.
*Although it sounds like a good idea at the time, do not take a toddler with you to Urgent Care.
*My boys enjoy watching Mythbusters and Wipeout.
*Monster Jam comes on at 2 on Speed.
*I can handle only so much PBS Kids.
*Flynn prefers to use me as both his pillow and personal Kleenex while sick.
*Drake prefers to be left alone while sick.
*You will get sick if a small child coughs in your face for two straight days.
*Frostys from Wendy's will get both boys out of a funk.
*While coughing is productive, it breaks my heart to hear my little ones do it for a solid hour.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Justice Island

Have you heard of Justice Island?  Neither have I, and Drake had it in his head that we were going there today to ride bikes.  Ummm... K?  He was even telling random people of our plans.  They looked at me to see if I knew what he was talking about.  Nope.  Completely at a loss.

I had to deduce what the heck he meant.  If I didn't, he would surely lose his mind.  So, I began to ask questions.
Me:  Is Justice Island a real place?
Drake: Yes.
M:  You didn't see it on the TV or a video game?
D: No.
M: Have we ever been there?
D: No.
M: Do you know how to get there?
D: No.  But, I have a magic steering wheel that will tell us where to go.
M: (in head- oh god) Are you sure you didn't see it on TV or a video game?
D: I'm sure.  There's a ferry boat there that we can see.
M: Is it by the waterfront?
D: Yes.

As it turns out, Justice Island is Ruston Way.  Who knew?  After I parked the car, Drake told me, "Good job, Mommy.  I knew you could do it." 

Thanks, honey.

BTW, it was really, really cold at Justice Island.  The wind was blowing, the water was really choppy, and knit caps don't keep the wind out of one's ears effectively.  But the boys had a good time.  Then Flynn split his lip and bled a bunch.  There is no justice on Justice Island.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ramblings from New Year's Day

I have had four hours of sleep.  So what should I do about it?  Write!  Naturally.

I have two classes this quarter (that starts on Monday).  One of the classes is a hybrid, which means I am teaching in the classroom twice a week.  I have a serious fear that I am going to forget to show up to class one day.  I didn't used to be this way, forgetful about appointments.  Then, I had a second child. 

My knit viking hat arrived in the mail yesterday.  Yes, I have worn it in public.  I get three types of looks: those who love it and want one, those who think I am insane, and those who are trying to be polite and not stare (but it is painfully obvious what they are doing).  I smile for all three. It is impossible to be depressed while wearing that hat.  Go on, I triple dog dare you. 

Instant Mood Elevator
Now available without a prescription.

I finally made it to one of Meghan's wrestling meets this week.  She's only been doing this for three years.  She's a senior now, so it's my last chance.  I'm such a great aunt, aren't I?  What surprised me was her level of aggressiveness.  When the whistle blew, she wasn't doing the slappy slappy that most of the girls did.  She dove right in.  She lost one brutal round, but she was able to shake it off by the time the next round started.  She took third in her weight class.  Pretty awesome.  The most entertaining part about the tournament was eavesdropping on the conversations between teen-aged girls.  "And then he dumped me again.  I felt so used."  Direct quote.  I wish life could be that simple again, that my only worry was about a boy liking/not liking me.  Although, at the time, life seemed so complex.  Little did we know back then.  Now, I have two kids, a mortgage, and bills to pay.  *sigh*

I think I know why men have mid-life crisises.  (Crises?  Crisen?  Crisisix?)  For the whole of their adult lives, they have been going through the motions of what it means to be a "man": get a job, pay the bills, get married, have kids, repeat until miserable.  At some point, they snap and seek happiness anywhere, usually in the form of a sports car or younger woman.  They are seeking external happiness when what has been really missing is internal happiness.  Their souls were sucked dry long ago and they long to return their smile.

I will revise and self-publish the novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo.  It doesn't matter if no one buys it.  I can finally say (and put on my CV) that I am a published author.  Awesomesauce.

My V.I.T. 
Viking in Training