Sunday, September 12, 2010

Why I write/blog

Writing in this forum is part narcissism, but mostly it's free therapy.  Writers are notoriously cuckoo-bananas, and I am no exception. I don't think what I'm doing here could be considered "craft" or "art."  It's really a high-tech journal that may or may not be read by someone else.  I find myself amusing and sometimes clever, and, until I get off my duff and get something published by an actual publication house, this will have to do.  At least I know someone is reading it (Tim, you have to; you're my husband).

When I began my teaching career nine years ago, I would become incensed when someone would quip, "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach."  Before long, I realized that witticism was sadly true.  The theater teacher couldn't land a job in a working theater if the fate of the world depended on it.  Some of the crones in my department would lose their minds in a corporate setting (where performance matters).  I fall into this category, too.  I've earned a whopping $101 from my writing.  That wouldn't cover my monthly Starbucks tab.

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