Thursday, September 2, 2010

Flynn and his bad day

The day did not go well for the wee one.  I had to take him to the lab to have blood drawn.  It's now his turn to begin the allergy gauntlet.  Drake had his first allergy blood draw at this same age (in the same lab).  The technician started in his right arm.  Things were going fine for the first 30 seconds.  Then, the blood wasn't coming.  She moved the needle around and around.  Flynn was crying, poor guy, but not flailing.  Drake was trying to help Flynn stay calm, but it's tough to stay calm under those circumstances.  I would have been crying, too.  She changed to the left arm.  More crying.  Finally, I start to sing the one song that always managed to keep both kids calm: Phoebe's song about farm animals.  For those unfamiliar with this diddy, the lyrics are as follows.  "Oh, the cow in the meadow goes moo./  The cow in the meadow goes moo./ Then the farmer hits him on the head and grinds him up./ And that's how we get hamburger... Now... Chickens!!!"  The technician looked at me and said, "Oh, you're that mom." Not sure if I should be flattered or disturbed about being remembered this way. 

After a three hour nap during excessive hammering and carrying on by the roofers, he was happy.  But, while in the kitchen, he lost his footing and fell.  Face first.  Into the corner of a drawer.  That boy has had more Band-aids on him today than he has during his whole life. 
Chicks dig scars.

I was fully prepared to have lots of snuggle time with him.  He was more interested in sliding behind the couch.  The fastest route to Mary Bridge Children's Hospital is to take 21st Street, in case anyone was curious.

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