Thursday, September 9, 2010

The greatest sound in the world

A quiet house. :D  I can barely contain my joy.  I love my children very much.  But, I am also thoroughly enjoying the fact that they aren't here.  Today is the first day they are both at Miss Tracy's (daycare/preschool).  I haven't received any calls yet about one drawing blood from the other, so I assume all is going well.  In their absence I have managed to do the following today: return an item to the store without having to carry someone out screaming and under my arm; leisurely read the entire newspaper, not just the comics; sort and cull all the toys; vacuum like a madwoman; exercise and shower leisurely (notice a theme yet?); have lunch; go to the mall and make a leisurely decision regarding new footwear; and go to the salon to take care of the hot mess (my eyebrows-- there should be two) and get my hair done.  It's not even 2 o'clock.  After a light snack, I will be working on preparing my course for the upcoming quarter before fetching the boys.  I wasn't this productive before I had children.  I hope my energy level can handle this kind of productivity two days a week.  Now, I won't have any more excuses to avoid my massive to-do list.

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