Wednesday, December 15, 2010

ODing on RfML

I've had a bit of free time ever since the end of NaNoWriMo and the quarter.  Instead of vegging out in front of the TV or playing Bejeweled Blitz, I have been reading blogs, most notably Rants from Mommyland.  Tim scratches his head and wonders why I am cackling like a hyena while alone.   Two moms (who go by the monikers Kate and Lydia) unexpectedly because friends and created the blog to help each other cope with motherhood and cleaning up other people's fecal matter.  They have been writing for over a year, and I am completely caught up with all posts.  In my twisted brain, I am BFFs with both ladies and invite them over for drinks. 

Reading the blog has been therapeutic, eye-opening, and a boost.  I have learned so much.  1) Although I feel like it most days, I am not a horrible mother.  2)  Making friends at this age is difficult for most people, not just my socially-retarded self.  3)  Armed with a sense of humor and a (moderately) decent night's sleep makes this time so much easier to handle.

I would very much like to find a Kate to my Lydia.  Oh, wait.  I have, but she lives in Phoenix and I don't anymore.  Damn. 

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