Thursday, December 2, 2010

I normally don't promote any type of charity.  I feel this is a personal decision.  But, lately, I have been getting really annoyed by most charities.  I believe the majority of the planet is "aware" of breast cancer; how about we try to cure it?  I'm just saying.  Also, most of us have no idea if the money goes to actually help a person in need.  Some charities have administrative costs of 75%.  Holy cow!  Is the charity helping people or itself?  See my frustration.

I didn't know about this charity until I attended the Rally to Restore Sanity (Seattle satellite).  The organizers raised funds to hold the rally, and let all of us know that any extra money would be donated to Donors Choose.  It piqued my interest, so I went to the site and checked it out.  Awesome.  The charity is designed to get specific materials into specific classroom.  Teachers post their classroom needs to this site, explaining how the materials will be used.  The complete cost of the project is given (and verified) included product cost, shipping, tax, and an optional(!) 15% contribution for administrative costs.  Those wishing to make a donation can search by city, content area, or immediate need. 

I decided to do a search by Washington and Language Arts (together).  I found a teacher who wanted to purchase green pens for her fourth grade class to help teach them the process and importance of editing and revising.  (Awesome!)  Her classroom is in Seattle in a high poverty area (info provided on Donors Choose).  I wasn't able to give much, but I gave.  Her project ended up being completely funded, and afterwards, I received a very nice thank you note.

It is sad that teachers are not given the resources that would be the most effective in the classroom.  (That is another rant for another day.)  But, here is an opportunity for teachers to ask for what they need and for us to give it to them, without bureaucracy (tax deductible, of course).

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