Thursday, December 23, 2010

Grow a pair

I have two friends who have gone through particularly nasty divorces.  The marriages have been legally dissolved for some time, but the sh*tstorm keeps swirling around daily.  In both cases, the ex-husbands are manipulative control freaks who attempt to continuously manipulate the person who left.  One is using blackmail; the other is using the legal system (takes her to court, like, every other week, over baseless accusations).  In both cases, the males claim they are doing what is best for the children.  Making sure the mother of their children has no money is not doing what is best for your children.  These men continue to throw temper tantrums and act like spoiled brats.  Gentlemen (and I use the term very loosely), it's time to man up and grow a pair.  If you really want to do what is best for your sons, then let it go and move on with your lives.  Put your big pants on and show your sons what a real man looks like, because right now, it isn't you.

No one is ever fully innocent when a marriage fails.  But, for the friends who still support these "men", you need to take a step back and assess the situation.  If he were as innocent as he claims, why does he keep trying to sue her?  Why has he enlisted your help in blackmailing her?  If he were truly an innocent victim in all of this, he would have been sad, had too much to drink, burn a picture or two, then go hug his son(s) and tell them that daddy loves them and it isn't their fault.  The truly innocent to not engage in such despicable behavior.  And neither should you.

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