What I love about D:
-he embraces the silly
-when he gets into something, he really gets into it. (Current
-there isn't a fruit he has met that he doesn't like
-he randomly tells me that he loves me
-he's crazy smart
What I love about F:
-he doesn't know he's 1
-he has no fear
-he'll go off alone and amuses himself
-he spins in circles for no reason
-he meows at cats and says hi to all critters, especially ladybugs, caterpillars, and baby slugs
What I love about them both:
-they can eat their own weight in sausage
-they aren't afraid to try new food
-how they eat McDonald's ice cream cones (F- super fast; D-super slow)
-the way they laugh at Jumpy Squirrel on Curious George
-how they are amused by watching birds eat at our bird feeder
-how they will randomly plop in your lap
-how excited they become when they spot a bus/train/airplane/ferry boat
-they want to help cook and (sometimes) clean
-their big cheesy grins
-how they are entertained for days by an empty box
They are two awesome dudes and I am very proud of them too :)