Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Yesterday was the halfway mark in NaNoWriMo, and I am parked at 24,000 words.  I've been battling a wicked cold and the drugs just aren't doing it for me.  Last night I figured I would go to bed and have a fresh start today.  I'd would take the boys to Miss Tracy's, then clean the carpets, then write.  I'd stop around lunch, watch some TV, grade, then back to writing.  (I have learned two things in this process: once you get behind, catching up is a giant pain; and I have a production cap of 3300 words per day.)  And then wind picked up.  Boy, did it ever.  Lots of crashing on the roof and lights flickering.  The damage didn't look too bad at night, but in the light of day...

On the bright side: I no longer have to rake the leaves in the front yard, as they are now all in someone else's yard two miles away. 

On the down side: I was hoping the fence would last two more seasons before replacing it.  Nature had other plans.
I'm no expert, but this doesn't look right.  Thank goodness the maple tress are holding up the fence.

Tim texted me to go check out Mildred (the street behind our house, not some old lady in a bathrobe, pervs).  Branches were everywhere.  I was out there in my jammies and raincoat dragging debris out of the road.  Got some weird looks.  I came back in, threw on some clothes, and got the boys ready to go.  I have no idea if their ensembles match today.  I know I took two Sudafed out of the blister pack, but I don't know if I ever took them.  I don't know where to begin today.  That's why I'm writing this: to calm down and organize my disorganized, distracted brain.  Oh, look, something shiny...

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