Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I believe I have struck a good balance with the wearing of my many hats.  I didn't know it would be as simple as sending my children to daycare/preschool twice a week.  I've been able to take time for myself.  I've been able to check some items off the massive to do list.  I'm only teaching one class right now.  I would prefer two*, but this is a nice way to ease into the transition.  I'm not torn between the guilt of being a full-time working mother and the guilt of not earning money by staying home.  I'm not as stressed out about my massive to do list because I am able to work on it, little by little.  I can now see that is it all manageable.  I can now work on my issues (of which there are many).  The depression seems to be dissipating.  Now, to focus on the social skills so my boys don't end up awkward like mommy. :)

*Mostly, I would like to teach two classes for the money.  We could always use more money**.

**I've never met anyone who has declared, "I just have too much money.  What a dilemma!"

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