Wednesday, August 25, 2010


The boys and I walked up to Safeway.  Sitting outside on a little lounge chair was a little girl, who said the following: "Excuse me, ma'am.  Would you be interested in donating money for new uniforms?"  In exchange for what?  I was really bothered by this.  First, I already gave them money two months ago when the group was camped out at the same Safeway.  Second, this wasn't fundraising; this was panhandling.  I'm no stranger to the concept of fundraising.  I've washed cars, sold magazine subscriptions, washed more cars, and sold candy, cookies, wrapping paper, and other useless crap.  I've bought candy, cookies, cookie dough, wrapping paper, Entertainment books, and other useless crap.  I have no problem pledging money for a walk-a-thon.  I expect something in return, some action (washing my car, walking ten miles) or some tangible item (cookies, cookie dough).  Just asking strangers for money is panhandling.  Give me a lollipop or something as a token for my donation.  Plus, if they were really trying to raise money without doing anything, this is the wrong neighborhood.  Go to a wealthier area.

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