Friday, July 23, 2010

Unearthing treasures/memories

Now the long process of clearing out Maria's house begins.  Part of her charm was that she had so much random stuff.  We are taking our time going through everything, mostly because there is so much to go through, like five garbage bags full of yarn.  We've all taken a few key items that were near and dear to our hearts. 

Maria had lots of photos.  None of them are organized, naturally. Most of them were kept in an old suitcase. Here are a few that have been unearthed.

Yup, that's me
I showed Drake this picture and explained it's at the same zoo we go to and that is mommy as a girl.  His response, "Oh, you've changed!"

Chipping away at the Berlin Wall, 1990
I didn't know anyone had taken a picture of me doing this.  This is right next to Checkpoint Charlie.  Look how stylish I am in my tapered jeans and my LA Gear shoes.

Smoke if you got 'em
I spent two months in Germany that summer.  I learned very little German.  What I did learn is if you are 16 and an American in Europe, everyone wants to buy you a drink and give you a smoke.  I also learned how to drink out of a 5-kl. pony keg without a tap.  (The mystery hand belongs to a relative.)

Hair of the dog
See previously mentioned comment about buying the American a drink.  This is at breakfast, and I'm hungover.  Note all the bottles of booze on the table.  I am drinking a mimosa.  Maria is having straight-up champagne.  Good times!

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