Saturday, December 27, 2014
Oh, sweet irony
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
The Social Media Black Hole
Many of my connections have unplugged from one site or another. The sites where they remain involve a much smaller, selective circle of connections. Maybe we *should* all join Google+ to avoid the bullshit that wears us down. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go look at pictures of baby hedgehogs.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
The end
This quarter is the first after many, many years that I do not have a teaching appointment. I am/was so low on the totem pole that I wasn't given any classes. I am still torn about how I should feel. I wish the end of my teaching career would have happened on my own terms. (Officially, it isn't over, but I have a feeling that I won't return. I'm still on some list somewhere. ) The loss of medical benefits and a steady, albeit tiny, paycheck is stressful. The freedom to focus my energy on our own business is awesome. Now I really need to work on my time management skills. Or find a personal assistant. So much to do; so little time.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Mmmm... ducklings
Me: We're going to Bruno's.
Flynn: YES! Schnitzel! Mommy, what are those things I always take off your plate? Ducklings?
Me: Dumplings.
Flynn: Yum. Dumplings.
Me: Ducklings on your plate would make for a very different meal.
All: Quack quack quack!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Brain capacity
Me: So, Drake, what's the name of your new technology teacher?
Drake: I have no idea.
Me: How come?
Drake: Well, there's so much information *crammed* up in there, and when you get so much up in there, eventually it goes *POP* and something comes out.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Why am I crying?
Me: Drake, please put your change in your bank.
[sound of clanking coins]
Drake: I need to get the Donate section higher.
Me: I would put it in Invest. Since you are already talking about going college, you should start saving now.
Drake: But , Mommy, the poor people really, really need it!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
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Feeding Wolfie some puppet food |
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Here's Wolfie, all tucked in and ready for bed. Notice the food dish, books, and camera (to take any picture). |
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Pink and blue
Flynn and I survived our first Princess Party today. The guest of honour was Rapunzel, and he was very charming to her. Totally cracked her up by telling her that he doesn't drink any grown up drinks like alcohol or root beer. Flynn was way out of his element, being one of the few boys there and no one else was running around like crazy people. I was out of my element because all the other parents knew each other.
I understand little girls are really into princesses. (I'm not going to lie. I had the Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty books on record. I listened to them all the time.) The girls wore their princess dresses and there was lots of twirling. What surprised me were the gifts. Flynn's gift was the only game. Everything else was something crafty or princess or crafty princess. (There was one LEGO set. Princess, of course.) At all the other parties we've attended or I've worked, board games are a staple. But, those parties were all for boys. Am I reading too much into this? Girls still play board games, right? Have we as a society gone overboard on the gender roles that girls aren't supposed to be competitive? Aren't we currently complaining that there aren't enough girls in certain areas of study? So, why are we only buying them crafty things as gifts? And, shouldn't more crafty items be given to boys, too?
I don't know what I'm talking about any more. I'm surrounded by so many boys all the time that maybe I've lost some perspective.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Keeping calm
I've been in crisis/survival mode for a while now. I just need to make it through this week. I just need to make it past this event. I just need to. I just need to.
The problem with this approach to life and work is thus. There's always going to be something. There's always a new deadline. There's always some new form of stress. I have been sick from the first of October because I am in this perpetual state of panic and stress. With the business becoming more successful, more deadlines and commitments and organization will be required. The boys are getting older, and with their maturity comes more commitments and homework and appointments. The to-do lists are never going to be completed. Emergencies are going to disrupt life at the most inconvenient time.
And then, Tuesday happened.
I hadn't slept, worried about my dermatology appointment, and plagued by bad dreams about the business when I did manage to sleep. My sitter fell through for a work appointment. My emotions were already so raw; I fought back tears during Morning Care. (The kindergartners didn't need to see me blubbering.) I tried not to cry while talking to my mother, who called me and graciously volunteered to be my sitter replacement. I tried not to cry during my appointment. (I'm trying not to cry as I write this.) I did cry during the biopsy, but that was because of the local. (Why does the numbing agent hurt so damn much?) The suspicious spot is on the back of my left leg, a spot that hasn't seen daylight in years. How did it end up there? I was blase during the other biopsies; those locations made sense. This one doesn't. Where is the next one going to crop up? How many more will sprout in sunless areas like mushrooms? Will this one be cancerous, too? I spent the rest of the day in physical pain. I barely made it through my class. I concluded class early to make the long and painful walk to my car. I winced every time I engaged the clutch, driving the Mustang to pick up the boys from school. I didn't sleep again, a combination of pain, stress, and bad dreams.
I took some time to myself on Wednesday, to process current events. Like I stated before, this shit is still going to happen, whether I'm prepared or not. It's never going away. It's time for me to stop thinking in constant crisis mode. I need to look long range. I need to prepare earlier. My lifetime of procrastination has bitten me in the ass too many times. It's time for me to grow up and take charge of my outlook and circumstances. I'm going to be 40 in two months, for God's sake. Because even when I was in pain, I had to little boys curled up on my bed with me, keeping me company, and a husband taking care of business by taking on a teaching role solo (when he isn't comfortable doing so). I'm pretty damn lucky, and it's time for me to keep calm.
Monday, February 17, 2014
The final day of his sixth year
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Pre- and post-coating |
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They look liked Deviled eggs without the whites. |
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Super Bowl Blog- Seahawks Edition
I live-blogged the Super Bowl a couple of years ago. I thought I would do it again this year, mostly because the Seahawks are playing. I've never lived in a town where the local team actually made it to the big game. I'm already wiped out. Today was the joint birthday party for the boys: 28 kids. (I think. Some showed up last minute without an RSVP, and brought a sibling. It was a big blur.) I'm already in my jammies and got my drink on. The added challenge of the day- typing on the tablet. I would live tweet this, but I have no followers. Let's go, already!
3:17- How much longer is the damn pre-game? At least Metallica is playing. Ooo, Kurt Russell.
3:23- Anthem. An opera singer? At least it was "AND the rockets". No extra h's.
3:27- Tim just lost mind. First Daytona 500 ad. Nice coat, Joe.
3:32- James Franco makes a great Rob Riggle.
Kickoff- Wait, what just happened?
No, seriously, what just happened? A safety on the first play? Holy s#!t, Batman.
3:38- Drake is asking good questions about football. We watch so little in this house, and most of the kids in his school watch religiously.
3:45- The boys don't talk at all during the commercials. Thanks...
3:47- Seahawks 5 Broncos 0
Lost some time. Brother called. If you've ever wanted to run naked down Meridian, now is your chance. No one is out there.
Tim is teaching the boys boy things, like enjoying Funyuns and what 1st and 10 means.
4:04- When can I switch over to the Puppy Bowl?
4:06- Bud Light, please don't ever put Ahnold in shorty shorts again.
4:08 Seahawks 8 Broncos 0
4:12 Seahawk interception. Flynn: We have 8! Yeah!
This is more challenging than I thought. Flynn is clamoring for my attention. And I'm hungry.
4:23 Seahawks 15 Broncos 0. Drake: We're kicking Bronco butt!
Snack time. Boys seem to have lost some interest. Flynn is doing acrobatics. Drake is sliding down the wall. (Don't ask.)
4:39 Seattle interception and TD. Boys barely looked up from their new books while Tim and I cheered. 22-0 Sea.
4:43 Stephen Colbert is the best spokesperson ever. He makes a fantastic pistachio.
Another turnover by Denver? That ball popped out like a greased pig. Nope. No turnover. Mmmm... turnovers...
4:50 Puppy Bowl!
4:52 Back to the game. I'm sorry. The mouth guards look like large pacifiers. (Clarification. I'm not sorry we are back to the game.)
4:56 The Fritos go on the sub? It's good to know your (stoned) audience.
Wait, it's halftime? Watching the kitty halftime show on the Puppy Bowl. Flynn is loving it. Kittehs!
Sorry , actually football game. You don't have the same appeal as puppies in the 5-7 year old boy demographic. Touchdown! Go, puppies, go! Oops, penalty. Intentional growling.
Ugh. Flipped back just in time for the RHCP. Never been a fan. The scary porn stache isn't helping. Totally digging Bruno Mars.
5:33 Touchdown. Another score on the first play of a half. 29-0. Drake: Wow! They might get 30!
Boys are splayed out on the floor. Drake is watching the game in earnest. Flynn is mad because his dinner choices are leftovers.
Go, GoldieBlox! Well done. And kudos to Quiet Riot for stepping up and letting the small company use its song.
5:48 Flynn is bored. "Go, Huskies, go, Huskies!"
6:03 Now I'm getting bored.
6:04 Never mind. Another touchdown. 36-0.
6:13. 36-8. Good solid drive, Denver. Probably should have done that earlier.
6:24 Now the Seahawks are just piling it on. Whoo-hoo! 43-8.
6:30- Full House reunion!
6:54. Game over! Well, almost. 2nd Gatorade dump. There it is! 43-8 final. This town is going to lose its schmidt.
Bed time. Night all.
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Parenting win
Scene: in the car. We just left Starbucks, driving to the Y. Very foggy winter morning.
Drake: When is it spring?
Me: March, I think.
Drake: What if someone had a parade in March?
Me: You mean, have a march in March?
Drake: [giggles]. Yeah. And what if there was a place called March?
Me: Then they could have a march in March in March.
Drake: [snort- hot chocolate out the nose]
End scene
Note to future self
It is January, 2014. Drake turns 7 next month. We are on chapter 15 in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. While he knows the stories are just stories, he is pretty sure an owl will arrive on his eleventh birthday, bearing his letter of acceptance into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Here's what you need to do.
Step 1: Find a stuffed owl.
Step 2: Find some old fashioned paper and green ink.
Step 3: Write a letter to Drake, telling him we are going on a trip to Universal Studios Florida to go to the Harry Potter experience.
Step 4: Place letter in the beak of stuffed owl.
Step 5: Leave owl on breakfast table on the morning of his eleventh birthday.
You have four years. Make it work.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Office Hours
I sit in a communal office for all of the adjunct faculty. This is where we hold our office hours, grade, and have mail delivered. My colleagues in this room have students come to see them all the time. All. The. Time. What is the difference from their students and my students? Subject matter. Students are coming in to ask questions of their math, science, and foreign language instructors. The other English teachers and I? Tumbleweeds.
Why won't students ask for help when it comes to their own language? ENGL 101 is a prerequisite for just about everything in college. Upper division courses require a C or better in it, no matter the content area of said upper division class. If ENGL 101 is so damn important throughout all of college, why won't the students seek assistance like they do for other subjects? I don't understand, and I wish I did. My hypothesis is that they feel, since they speak the language, that they know it and think they don't need help as a result. I can testify that many do need help, especially regarding the elevation of their work to college standards. I wish I could convince some of them to pop in and see me.
Maybe I'll take an nap during my office hours instead.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
How Mythbusters got my kids to wash their hands
Boys are gross. There are no two ways about it. They are. I've seen Flynn lick gum off the sidewalk. They'll eat stuff off the floor. Trying to get them to wash hands after going to the bathroom is an uphill battle. Or, it was, until "Mythbusters". We watch the show as a family. They enjoy when stuff gets blown up, but they are fascinated by the show even when nothing explodes. One episode was about bathroom myths: hand washing and stall selection. (Since the episode, I now use the first stall. It's the cleanest.) The amount of germs on hands after bathroom use was tested with no washing, water only, and soap and water. They proved only soap and water gets rid of the germs. I have since used this information to my advantage.
Scene: a flush is heard. Two seconds later, the door opens, and Flynn bounds out.
Me: Flynn, did you wash your hands?
Flynn: Yes.
Me: With soap?
Flynn: Yes.
Me: If the Mythbusters came in with a black light, would they find bacteria colonies or clean hands?
Flynn: [hangs head] Bacteria colonies. [stomps back to bathroom]
So, thank you, Mythbusters. Thank you for making my house a little less germy.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Style intervention
Someone needs to call Tim Gunn on my behalf. I seriously need a style intervention.
I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror at school the other day. I swear I was starting at a reflection of my mother. Don't get me wrong. My mother is a lovely woman and dresses nicely. I was unaware that my style has morphed into hers. I'm about to turn 40, not 60. Tim (my Tim, not Tim Gunn) asked me if I didn't want to look like my mother, then what did I want to look like. And here's why I need the big Gunn.
I was to be comfortable and neat and not look like a slob. I don't want to look frumpy any more, but I don't want to be a fashionista. I would rather be timeless than timely. I need to look somewhat professional, but not in a suit or a skirt. Oh, and I'm cheap. How do I accomplish all this? Clearly, I am not able to do this on my own. I'll accept help from any basic cable style guru at this point.
The Flynnster
When I wrote a check today, I wrote the year as "2009". Because five years ago you entered our lives.
You are fiercely independent. I'm certain the only thing preventing you from going to the taco truck alone when you were three was the height of the gate latch.
You are your own person. You can rock a fuzzy boa and backward pants like no other.
You are inquisitive. I didn't know one person could ask so many questions.
You bring such joy, especially when you throw your head back and laugh like Snoopy.
Thanks for being my kid.