Saturday, January 18, 2014

How Mythbusters got my kids to wash their hands

Boys are gross.  There are no two ways about it.  They are.  I've seen Flynn lick gum off the sidewalk.  They'll eat stuff off the floor.  Trying to get them to wash hands after going to the bathroom is an uphill battle.  Or, it was, until "Mythbusters".  We watch the show as a family.  They enjoy when stuff gets blown up, but they are fascinated by the show even when nothing explodes.  One episode was about bathroom myths: hand washing and stall selection.  (Since the episode, I now use the first stall.  It's the cleanest.)  The amount of germs on hands after bathroom use was tested with no washing, water only, and soap and water.  They proved only soap and water gets rid of the germs.  I have since used this information to my advantage.

Scene:  a flush is heard.  Two seconds later, the door opens, and Flynn bounds out.
Me: Flynn, did you wash your hands?
Flynn: Yes.
Me: With soap?
Flynn: Yes.
Me: If the Mythbusters came in with a black light, would they find bacteria colonies or clean hands?
Flynn: [hangs head] Bacteria colonies. [stomps back to bathroom]

So, thank you, Mythbusters.  Thank you for making my house a little less germy.

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