Thursday, May 3, 2012

Soccer Season

Yes, indeed, I am now officially a soccer mom.  I have to say... parents of soccer players are nuts!  Maybe it's because we are outside and the kids are running constantly that they (we) feel the need to yell so loudly.  Not sure.  It has rained heavily for every practice thus far, and he hasn't been fazed by it.  [For the record, my practices in AZ were cancelled because of rain.  Here, not so much.] Drake has embraced the "Soccer Diva" role: the tiniest touch, and he falls to the ground.  He's on the ground more than he was in basketball, which is saying something.  Here he is, in his first game.  (He's wearing brown pants and a long sleeved shirt.)  He has two diva-on-the-ground moments.  The better of the two is at :43.

I had to ply him with a snack during halftime.  I wish he would just eat like we asked him to.  Tim and I knew he was going to be hungry.  [Seriously, why does anyone schedule a kids' sporting event during lunchtime?]  He sat out for a couple minutes during the start of second half.  And then, he was put in as goalie.  All the whining stopped.  He was interested in the game. He didn't have to run. He didn't fall on the ground.  I think he has found his niche.

Oh, and the team's name?  The Blue Alligators.  I was rooting for the Ninjas, but I didn't get to vote.

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