Thursday, April 7, 2011


I'm a notorious eavesdropper.  I can't help it.  I know it's rude.  But today, it wasn't my fault.  Here's why.  As an adjunct, I don't have my own office.  I share a large space with all of the other adjuncts on campus.  In the center of the room is an area with sofas for instructors to meet with students.  Knowing I have a problem with eavesdropping, I shouldn't pick a desk next to this area.   But, usually, that is all that is open when I finally show up to use the office space.  A math teacher and her pissed off student sit down, and this is when I started listening...

"The problem I have with math teachers is..."

This student is incredibly bitchy and has an overdeveloped sense of entitlement.  I cannot hear the instructor's side of the conversation because she is keeping her voice low.  The student, however, is practically shouting.  Here are some of the gems. 

"If you miss a step,  I'll create a file and make everything difficult for you."

"I knew I was going to have a problem with you, but I took your class anyway."

"I don't come to class because it's a waste of my time."

"That I need to attend, that's your opinion.  It's my right to leave or not attend.  have you ever thought of that?"

Instructor:  "Do you want to be treated special?"
Student:  "No, but I'm going to do things my way.  Until it's written in the syllabus, I'm going to do things my way."

"I already know the information."

"I'm going to let you finish talking, and then I'm going to."

"I'm paying to be here.  If I want to not attend, that's my right.  No, it's my time to talk now."

"I'm there.  My stuff's there."

I started typing this, mostly so it didn't look like I was eavesdropping.  That, and she finally lowered her voice.  The last thing I overheard was the student going on about students' rights and needing a third party mediator to settle this. 

So, here's how I understand it.  The instructor established the rules of her class.  Be on time.  Stay the whole time.  Don't get up during class because it's disruptive to the others in the class.  Show your work.  Here are the assignments.  This student feels she knows it all, and, due to her poor planning, has to get up to pee frequently during class.  Personally, I don't care.  That is how I have established my class.  I do tell my students not to act like assholes and be respectful.  But, she teaches math, which requires more precision and less bullshitting.  That is how she has set up her course.  Every instructor is different, but you need to follow the rules set forth by your instructor.  If you don't like it, don't take a class from that instructor.  Vote with your feet.

After the student left, the instructor was exasperated.  She said, "Why does she keep taking classes from me?"

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