Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Confession

I have the DVR set to record the royal wedding.

To the casual observer, this bit of information is shocking and unexpected.  To those who know that deep, deep, DEEP down I have an inner girly-girl, it isn't so much. 

I distinctly recall watching the wedding of Charles and Diana.  I remember the coverage started at five in the morning.  I remember what the TV looked like.  (It was the TV that eventually ended up in my parents' room.  The On/Off button fell off and a piece of tubing was inserted in its place.  It has two dials: one for lower channels and one for UHF.)  The wedding was quite an event.  All the spectacle.  That ridiculously long train on her dress.  The sparkling jewels. 

This wedding is the modern take on the fairy tale.  Kate is a commoner who landed a prince; it's the ultimate fantasy.  A commoner who will eventually be queen.  (Let's face it-- Charles will never be king because Queen Elizabeth is going to outlive him.)  Diana was already an aristocrat when she married Charles.  Plus, wouldn't it be nice to have an occasion to wear a tiara and not look foolish?

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