Thursday, July 2, 2015

Still technically not a baker

[I meant to post this a month ago, when we actually did this.  Such is life.]

I have made one pie in my life, and that one doesn't really count.  The crust was the frozen, ready-made kind, and the filling came from a can.  I decided, since it was a holiday weekend and I  (to my joy and surprise) had no work obligations, the boys and I would make a dessert together.  I brought down The Joy of Cooking.  The three of us huddled on the couch, flipping through the pages, rejecting all the fruit pies.  As much as those two love fruit, I thought surely they would want one.  Then the cream pies came along.  And there it was: chocolate mousse pie.
Yes, I used the good chocolate chips.

Every baking related dish was dirtied in this endeavor.  I finally used the kick-ass Kitchenmaid stand mixer I acquired when Maria passed. And may I say, that thing is AWESOME! 
Here's the mousse part, next to the important part of the fridge: booze.
 The crust was made of Oreo cookies, so made died for the greater good. 
The bowl of Oreo innards.  Yes, this was eaten eventually.
And the final product.  It took two days, but by golly, I did it, with some help from my children.
It looks better with whipped cream.  And on a fork.  And in my stomach.

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