Flynn and I survived our first Princess Party today. The guest of honour was Rapunzel, and he was very charming to her. Totally cracked her up by telling her that he doesn't drink any grown up drinks like alcohol or root beer. Flynn was way out of his element, being one of the few boys there and no one else was running around like crazy people. I was out of my element because all the other parents knew each other.
I understand little girls are really into princesses. (I'm not going to lie. I had the Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty books on record. I listened to them all the time.) The girls wore their princess dresses and there was lots of twirling. What surprised me were the gifts. Flynn's gift was the only game. Everything else was something crafty or princess or crafty princess. (There was one LEGO set. Princess, of course.) At all the other parties we've attended or I've worked, board games are a staple. But, those parties were all for boys. Am I reading too much into this? Girls still play board games, right? Have we as a society gone overboard on the gender roles that girls aren't supposed to be competitive? Aren't we currently complaining that there aren't enough girls in certain areas of study? So, why are we only buying them crafty things as gifts? And, shouldn't more crafty items be given to boys, too?
I don't know what I'm talking about any more. I'm surrounded by so many boys all the time that maybe I've lost some perspective.