Saturday, June 23, 2012

Writer's Block/ Doubt

I am staring at the flashing cursor.  It mocks me, taunting me and my inability to put words to the page and further the plot on my “novel”.  I am distracted by the fingerprints on the keys and whatever that smudge is (I don’t really want to know).  I will never purchase a black, shiny computer again.  Beads of condensation run down my plastic cup, leaving a ring on the table dangerously close to the power cord. I can almost hear the hum of the fluorescent lights about; the music from my Angry Birds ear buds drowns most of it out.  The clicking, clicking, clicking from the other keyboards in the room remind me how inadequate I feel about my abilities. 

I am surrounded by writers, people who actually identify themselves as writers, people who make a living at writing.  I have never felt more like a fraud than I do right now. They are all serious. They have sent their works into the ether, and people have paid money for said works. How on earth can I compete or compare? This whole exercise is an examination of all my shortcomings and self esteem issues. I have done everything but write today.

Seriously, what is that on my keyboard?

I will eventually push through the feelings and the demons lined up to prevent me from forging ahead in this process. But, right now, I have been beaten back. I must regroup and rearm.

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