Saturday, June 23, 2012

Writer's Block/ Doubt

I am staring at the flashing cursor.  It mocks me, taunting me and my inability to put words to the page and further the plot on my “novel”.  I am distracted by the fingerprints on the keys and whatever that smudge is (I don’t really want to know).  I will never purchase a black, shiny computer again.  Beads of condensation run down my plastic cup, leaving a ring on the table dangerously close to the power cord. I can almost hear the hum of the fluorescent lights about; the music from my Angry Birds ear buds drowns most of it out.  The clicking, clicking, clicking from the other keyboards in the room remind me how inadequate I feel about my abilities. 

I am surrounded by writers, people who actually identify themselves as writers, people who make a living at writing.  I have never felt more like a fraud than I do right now. They are all serious. They have sent their works into the ether, and people have paid money for said works. How on earth can I compete or compare? This whole exercise is an examination of all my shortcomings and self esteem issues. I have done everything but write today.

Seriously, what is that on my keyboard?

I will eventually push through the feelings and the demons lined up to prevent me from forging ahead in this process. But, right now, I have been beaten back. I must regroup and rearm.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Mommy, the butterfly isn't wearing a hat.  It really needs to wear a hat in the sun.

Mommy, did we plant skies?  What happens if everybody plants skies?

Mommy, butterflies are humans because they have lots and lots of brothers and sisters.

Mommy, all the butterflies are white.  I think its mommy and daddy did that.

Mommy, what happens if a fish wears a firefighter's suit and a firefighter's helmet?

[In the car, with the windows down, stopped at an intersection, surrounded by other cars] Cock-a-doodle-do. Cock. Cock. Cock. Cock.Cock.Cock.Cock. Mommy, what letter starts with cock?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

End of the school year- Pre-K edition

Well, we all survived Drake's first year of school.  There were moments when I wasn't sure that he/we would (four trips to the principal's office and one suspension).  But overall, he had a good year, as evidenced by the comments on his report card.  "Some of Drake's strengths are his academic skills and his introspective nature.  He is capable of seeing a deeper meaning to most things which is such a gift at this age."

Part of his end-of-school packet included a book made of artwork and pictures throughout the year.  I love seeing his progression throughout the entire year, especially since I wasn't in the classroom very much.  He also had a packet telling all about himself.  This was my favorite page:
This is a picture of his family.  Daddy, Mommy, Drake, and Flynn, and something else.  I asked him what it was; I was curious since we don't have any pets to be included in the picture.  It's dragonfly, his wind up toy that he considers a pet.  He cracks me up.

He already misses his friends and has completed several pages in his "summer school" workbook.  Let's hope summer goes by quickly.  :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

The impending blur

The next week marks the end of so much: the end of Drake's first year of school, the end of daycare for the summer, the end of the quarter, the end of my sanity.  But, a new beginning is hot on its heels.  It is the beginning of "The Blur".
This may be the Blur in question
I may be MIA for a while because of the following:
  • Tim and I will be franchise owners.
  • I am finishing Camp NaNoWriMo for June (and seriously considering doing it again in August).
  • Summer quarter will begin (Because of new department requirements, I have to completely revamp and rewrite the course... by the 18th)
  • Gymnastics and swimming classes for the boys.
If you don't hear from me, do not worry.  I'm sure if I snap, the local news will inform you.   I should re-emerge (hopefully unscathed) by Labor Day.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Bee Sting

Flynn was stung by a bee yesterday afternoon.  He was trying to "move it" to another part of the yard.
Of course it was his middle finger.
After the tears had stopped, we had a long discussion about which bugs don't mind being moved, and that bees did not fall into that category.  Caterpillars?  Yes.  Potato bugs? Yes.  Ladybugs? Yes.  Bees?  No.

Drake, being a sweet big brother (when he wants to be), drew him a picture of a Kraken as a get well gift.
This was Drake's first attempt at Kraken drawing.  The other 12 he did the rest of the day and the next we done in marker, which shows up better on film.  (Well, not film, but you get the idea.) I would have taken a picture of those, but he turned them all into puzzles.

By the way, what would one call a herd of Kraken?  A pipe of Kraken?  A whack of Kraken?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dear Backstage Bar and Grill:

I am not offended by your bikini car wash visible from my driveway.
I am offended that all the girls in bikinis had beer guts.