Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Massive "To Do" List

My to do list is epic, much on the level of a Tolstoy novel.  It is so massive that it is sub-categorized.  Seriously.  And, at long last, I have had enough.  It needs to go away and never return.  I have finally come to my senses and decided to delegate.  I know this completely flies in the face of "work ethic" and "do it yourself" and "this crappy economy".  Well, that's nice and all, but I've been staring at the same items month after month, without the slightest hope of ever crossing an item of that damn list.  What finally set me on the path of delegation?  Ironing.  Yup, ironing.  I despise ironing (and I'm a little resentful about doing the chore).  I fell so far behind that Tim was running out of clothes to wear and I would have to press something before he left for work that day.  A few weeks ago, I finally collapsed under stress and depression.  I grabbed the five most difficult shirts from his closet and took them to a dry cleaner.  I felt no shame or remorse for my actions.  When I picked up that batch, I dropped of four more shirts.  When I picked up that batch, I dropped off every shirt in his closet that was in need of ironing.  An enormous weight had been lifted.  Yes, I am able bodied and I can do it myself and I have the ability to do it myself.  But, you know what, I am tired of spending my time doing things I despise.  I would like my spare time to be reserved for doing things I actually enjoy (or at least spending only half the time doing stuff that needs to be done instead of all of my time).  Yesterday, the yard guys came.  They cleaned up in three hours what I haven't been able to do in months.  I don't mind planting in the garden.  But, weeding sucks, and with my carpal tunnel, it really hurts.  (A few weeks ago, I lost several days of productivity due to a rogue tube of cinnamon rolls.  It was quite embarrassing.)  Today, workmen are here running coax and Cat-5 cables from the house to the office.  That item was placed on the to do list four years ago.  It's finally getting done.  And, at long last, I have no guilt about it, whatsoever.

I admire others who have the time, inclination, and energy to do everything.  I read their status updates about spending the day sewing 300 burp cloths, cleaning the house, cooking 40 freezer meals, then taking the kids for a walk. They work all day (either at an office or raising children), and then work on the house, go hiking/skiing/running/biking, go to a game/concert/play/tarot reading, study for school, entertain, and volunteer.  I barely have the energy to drag my ass out of bed, much less accomplish anything nowadays.  Can someone find a way to add more hours to the day?  Technology should be advanced enough to do that, right?

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