NW has made it's way into Drake's heart, and into his play time. We were at the park, and he was climbing a rope ladder. He shouts to me, "Look, Mommy, I'm competing!" He reached the top and pumped his fists in the air, knowing he had achieved Total Victory (just like on NW).
The funniest incorporation of NW comes during "quiet" time. (Quiet... that's funny.) He changes his room around to create an obstacle course. He leaps off of furniture and runs around. (He shouldn't be flushed after resting.)
He turned an IKEA step stool into a trampoline. You know, the cheap white plastic thing that retails for $3. One of the obstacles in NW is called the Spider Jump. Contestants run and jump onto a small trampoline. This then launches the guy between two structures, where he supports himself using only his hands and feet. Drake was recreating the Spider Jump. I could hear a whump... WHUMP. Then I heard it again. The last time- whump... WHUMP... thwack! "Ow! Mommy, I hurt myself." (stifle giggle) "What happened, kiddo?" "I hit the wall." Yup, that happens.
Tim had an interesting observation about the show. In the American version (American Ninja Warrior), most of the contestants are 24 and, for some odd reason, work in IT. In the Japanese version, the ages are all over place, and the careers are just as varied. There are a lot of professional athletes. I didn't know one could be a professional trampolinist in Japan. That's pretty awesome.
Another observation. There is a female version of NW. The course isn't as difficult, but it is still challenging. 90% of the Japanese women competing are really good looking. And, they are in amazing physical shape. In America, the women in that type of physical form aren't nearly as hot. I wonder why that is?
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