Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ramblings from New Year's Day

I have had four hours of sleep.  So what should I do about it?  Write!  Naturally.

I have two classes this quarter (that starts on Monday).  One of the classes is a hybrid, which means I am teaching in the classroom twice a week.  I have a serious fear that I am going to forget to show up to class one day.  I didn't used to be this way, forgetful about appointments.  Then, I had a second child. 

My knit viking hat arrived in the mail yesterday.  Yes, I have worn it in public.  I get three types of looks: those who love it and want one, those who think I am insane, and those who are trying to be polite and not stare (but it is painfully obvious what they are doing).  I smile for all three. It is impossible to be depressed while wearing that hat.  Go on, I triple dog dare you. 

Instant Mood Elevator
Now available without a prescription.

I finally made it to one of Meghan's wrestling meets this week.  She's only been doing this for three years.  She's a senior now, so it's my last chance.  I'm such a great aunt, aren't I?  What surprised me was her level of aggressiveness.  When the whistle blew, she wasn't doing the slappy slappy that most of the girls did.  She dove right in.  She lost one brutal round, but she was able to shake it off by the time the next round started.  She took third in her weight class.  Pretty awesome.  The most entertaining part about the tournament was eavesdropping on the conversations between teen-aged girls.  "And then he dumped me again.  I felt so used."  Direct quote.  I wish life could be that simple again, that my only worry was about a boy liking/not liking me.  Although, at the time, life seemed so complex.  Little did we know back then.  Now, I have two kids, a mortgage, and bills to pay.  *sigh*

I think I know why men have mid-life crisises.  (Crises?  Crisen?  Crisisix?)  For the whole of their adult lives, they have been going through the motions of what it means to be a "man": get a job, pay the bills, get married, have kids, repeat until miserable.  At some point, they snap and seek happiness anywhere, usually in the form of a sports car or younger woman.  They are seeking external happiness when what has been really missing is internal happiness.  Their souls were sucked dry long ago and they long to return their smile.

I will revise and self-publish the novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo.  It doesn't matter if no one buys it.  I can finally say (and put on my CV) that I am a published author.  Awesomesauce.

My V.I.T. 
Viking in Training

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