Saturday, May 8, 2010

Children's Television

I accidently saw a bit of Dora the Explorer.  Is this what children's television has come to?  Holy crap!  I could hear my brain cells dying.  Thankfully, my boys don't like the show.  I'd have to shoot myself if they wanted to watch it every day.  Even Sesame Street sucks now.  The best part is now "Elmo's World," and that used to be the worst.  Remember the "Muppet News Flash"?  That was a funny bit.  *Sigh*

We need to return to a world when Saturday morning cartoons meant four hours of Bugs Bunny.  We learned so much from these cartoons.  They weren't just a half hour commercial.  We learned about culture and diversity.  We learned about opera and bulls and gravity and the ACME Corporation.  We also learned educational things during the commercial breaks.  Conjunction Junction- what's your function?  How many of us can still sing those songs?  I can!  (I can also sing the PSA for hepatitis prevention, but that's a different story.)  Today's children are missing out on so much.

Thankfully, the boys love Curious George.  The show is funny, written to amuse kids and adults.  (A nod to the Warner Bros. classics, I presume.)  I do have some outstanding questions/issues about the Man with the Yellow Hat.  We don't know what he does for a living, but he rides a subway to get there.  He owns an apartment in town, a house in the country, and a convertible.  How does he afford all of that?  He's friends with Professor Wiseman, but is he "friends" with her?  On the hottest day of the year, he still wears a long sleeved shirt, tie, and a hat. Has he any sense?  He lives with a monkey.  Does he have some deeper issues that we don't see?  Why all the yellow?  No one looks good in that color.

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