Monday, February 17, 2014

The final day of his sixth year

I'm not incredibly crafty.  I find Pinterest ridiculous, and Martha Stewart can go straight to hell.  I try to work within my own limitations.  I took a cake decorating class before Drake was born so I would be able to provide something only moderately lame on birthdays instead of outright pathetic.  I try my very best to fulfill birthday requests.  I've done the pink guitar cake, the paw print cake, and store bought cupcakes.  This year, Drake wanted robot cake pops (again).  Although incredibly busy with three jobs and the massive cleaning/purging project of the weekend, I knew I could do it, especially since I had made them before.
Pre- and post-coating
Everything with this project was cursed.  I don't know what happened.  Everything about it went to absolute shit.  Did I not use enough frosting?  Did I wait too long before coating?  Did I not make the proper sacrifice to the baking gods? I had formed the cake rectangles for the robot heads last night and placed them in the fridge.  Today, when I went to coat, they completely fell apart.  The sticks wouldn't stay in the heads since the cake wouldn't stay together.  Oh, and I didn't have enough sticks, either.  Cake was getting mixed in with the candy melts, making it lumpy.  My frustration was epic.  I went and knocked on Drake's door, telling him what went wrong, and hoping he wouldn't be too disappointed with my request to just make cake balls.  "Sure, Mommy.  That's fine."  I gave him a peace offering of including decorations, to make amends for my failure.  He added sprinkles to the lumpy yellow blobs.  Oh, and I ran out of candy melts half way through, so I had to go back to the store.  Unfortunately, I forgot to put the uncoated ones back into the fridge.  Those fell apart more while coating on the fresh batch of melts.
They look liked Deviled eggs without the whites.
In the end, he's not going to remember that I messed up (I think- who knows?). Hopefully, he'll take away that I love him and I try out of love for him*.  Enjoy your final day being six.
*I hope all the Pinterest-obsessed moms out there remember that.  They aren't going to remember that the labels you made for the water bottles match the plates and napkins that match the banner and all the other décor.  Did they have fun?  Were you there?  Did they feel loved?  Isn't that all that really matters?  Now, if you'll excuse me, we have more Harry Potter to read.  He just won the Quidditch Cup.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl Blog- Seahawks Edition

I live-blogged the Super Bowl a couple of years ago.  I thought I would do it again this year, mostly because the Seahawks are playing.  I've never lived in a town where the local team actually made it to the big game.  I'm already wiped out. Today was the joint birthday party for the boys: 28 kids.  (I think.  Some showed up last minute without an RSVP, and brought a sibling. It was a big blur.)  I'm already in my jammies and got my drink on.  The added challenge of the day- typing on the tablet.  I would live tweet this, but I have no followers. Let's go, already!

3:17- How much longer is the damn pre-game?  At least Metallica is playing.  Ooo, Kurt Russell.

3:23- Anthem.  An opera singer?  At least it was "AND the rockets".  No extra h's.

3:27- Tim just lost mind.  First Daytona 500 ad.  Nice coat, Joe.

3:32- James Franco makes a great Rob Riggle.

Kickoff- Wait, what just happened? 

No, seriously, what just happened?  A safety on the first play?  Holy s#!t, Batman.

3:38-  Drake is asking good questions about football.  We watch so little in this house, and most of the kids in his school watch religiously.

3:45- The boys don't talk at all during the commercials.  Thanks...

3:47-  Seahawks 5 Broncos 0

Lost some time.  Brother called. If you've ever wanted to run naked down Meridian, now is your chance.  No one is out there.
Tim is teaching the boys boy things, like enjoying Funyuns and what 1st and 10 means.

4:04- When can I switch over to the Puppy Bowl?

4:06- Bud Light, please don't ever put Ahnold in shorty shorts again.

4:08 Seahawks 8 Broncos 0

4:12 Seahawk interception.  Flynn:  We have 8!  Yeah!

This is more challenging than I thought.  Flynn is clamoring for my attention.  And I'm hungry. 

4:23 Seahawks 15 Broncos 0. Drake: We're kicking Bronco butt!

Snack time.  Boys seem to have lost some interest.  Flynn is doing acrobatics.  Drake is sliding down the wall.  (Don't ask.)

4:39 Seattle interception and TD.  Boys barely looked up from their new books while Tim and I cheered.  22-0 Sea.

4:43 Stephen Colbert is the best spokesperson ever.  He makes a fantastic pistachio.
Another turnover by Denver?  That ball popped out like a greased pig.  Nope. No turnover.   Mmmm... turnovers...

4:50 Puppy Bowl!

4:52 Back to the game. I'm sorry.  The mouth guards look like large pacifiers.  (Clarification.  I'm not sorry we are back to the game.)

4:56 The Fritos go on the sub?  It's good to know your (stoned) audience.

Wait, it's halftime?  Watching the kitty halftime show on the Puppy Bowl.  Flynn is loving it.  Kittehs!

Sorry , actually football game.  You don't have the same appeal as puppies in the 5-7 year old boy demographic.  Touchdown!  Go, puppies, go!  Oops, penalty.  Intentional growling.

Ugh.  Flipped back just in time for the RHCP.  Never been a fan. The scary porn stache isn't helping.  Totally digging Bruno Mars.

5:33 Touchdown.  Another score on the first play of a half.  29-0.  Drake:  Wow!  They might get 30!

Boys are splayed out on the floor.  Drake is watching the game in earnest.  Flynn is mad because his dinner choices are leftovers.
Go, GoldieBlox!  Well done.  And kudos to Quiet Riot for stepping up and letting the small company use its song.

5:48 Flynn is bored.  "Go, Huskies, go, Huskies!"
6:03  Now I'm getting bored.
6:04 Never mind.  Another touchdown.  36-0. 

6:13. 36-8.  Good solid drive, Denver.  Probably should have done that earlier. 

6:24 Now the Seahawks are just piling it on.  Whoo-hoo!  43-8.

6:30- Full House reunion!

6:54.  Game over!  Well, almost. 2nd Gatorade dump.  There it is!  43-8 final.  This town is going to lose its schmidt. 

Bed time.  Night all.