Monday, December 23, 2013
Didn't buy that answer, huh? Me, neither. As I see the big 4-Oh on the horizon, I've been beating myself up for not being even remotely close to meeting an arbitrary goal I set for myself a couple of years ago (to be achieved before turning 40). Never mind that everything has changed in quite dramatic fashion since I made that goal. Still, I cling to it, and belittle myself for not working toward it. I try not to go down that path that leads to the shame spiral. (Tick-tock. Five months left to go. Get a move on, girl!)
Is it acceptable to change goals? Or is one perceived as a quitter for not seeing it through?
Friday, October 25, 2013
Production guilt
Scene: Drake finished his latest Bee book. It's quite the series, especially now that he can spell. He chose the bee as the subject matter because he can draw one.
Drake: Mommy, do you like my new book?
Me: Yes, Drake. It's an awesome book.
Drake: I know.
Mommy, when are you going to write your book?
Thanks a lot, kid.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Flynn's school time adventures
I'm getting the biggest kick out of Flynn attending school. It's not just because the house is quiet and I can accomplish something during daylight hours. It's his approach to school. He'll actually tell me tidbits from his day. Day 2 was "the funnest day ever!" He sings the songs that he learns. He introduced me to the lunch teacher: Mrs. Something. He saw a mime performance and described it. (Mommy, a mime is an actor who reacts, and there's NOTHING THERE!) I hope going to school doesn't lose its shine for him too quickly.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
This makes me a horrible human being, doesn't it?
Today, the kids bounded into the room, psyched for the build. Motors and remotes! I made all of them partner with someone. There was an even number today, so no groups of three. Draco tried to convince me he needed to be in a group of four. I said no because the group of three couldn't finish yesterday. One of the cronies had to be away from Draco. The crony was pretty bummed to be away from his leader. The build started, and funny, every group but Draco's finished and had enough time to attach the remotes and play. The discarded crony had finished and was racing his bulldoze model across the room. At two minutes before clean up, Draco hands me his model. "We aren't done." What little was done was completely incorrect. I have no idea what instructions he was following because it certainly wasn't what I had given him. I was able to rig something together so it would move, but no remote was able to be attached. He never asked for help. He never attempted to give any effort. He was humbled. And I was thrilled (on the inside, of course). He wasn't the top dog, the MVP, the go-to guy, the golden boy. He was just like the rest of those kids are on any given day. He finally knew what those other kids felt like, the ones he openly mocks every day. And guess what, the other kids were having too much fun to make fun of Draco for not finishing or not having skills or not being the best. I'm probably a horrible person to be so happy that he had that lesson. He'll probably go back to being his normal self tomorrow. I hope his cronies stop elevating him to God-like status and learn to stand up for themselves.
Monday, July 1, 2013
The Kid's Version of Kickstarter
Enter the lemonade stand. Drake asked if he could set up one. I firmly believe this is a rite of passage in childhood, and I was/am extremely supportive of the endeavor. I took him to the grocery store for supplies (which he had to pay back from the sales at the stand). I let him choose items that would give him the most bang for his buck. He and Flynn were responsible for manning the stand, waving at cars driving by, explaining the menu options to customers, delivering the product. I sat out with them to help with pouring and to make sure no one ran into the busy street. We were out there for three hours, which was way longer than I expected them to last. They had 15 customers during that time, including one lady who only gave a donation. The received lots of honks and smiles and waves, and lots of praise from those who stopped.
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Open for business |
One gentleman who stopped mentioned that he used to do this 50 years ago. He then asked the boys what they were going to do with the money. Drake responded, "I'm going to build my new invention that will let you take a shower without taking a shower. No water, but like a shower." The man was a little taken aback. He was probably expecting Flynn's answer of buying a bunch of stuff. He wished Drake luck on his endeavors and walked back to his car with a smile.
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Flynn's attempt at crowd control "YoHfTuPark" |
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They had me write this at the curb. |
What they learned from the experience:
- Eat a big lunch. Otherwise, we end up eating our snacks for sale.
- People really only want to buy drinks instead of snacks.
- More people chose Strawberry Kiwi over regular Lemonade.
- If Mommy puts away all of the snack stand, a large portion of the day's profits go to Mommy as payment for services rendered.
- People tend to be ridiculously generous when you only ask for donations instead of a set price per cup.
- Next time will be all profit, since many supplies are left over.
- Working a lemonade stand is really fun...when there are customers.
- Being patient is really hard.
Friday, June 14, 2013
My kids are pretty sweet...
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Flynn's bank story
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The upper right is our house. The lower right is the bank and the bank's main doors. The challenges are in the middle. |
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You can see the sea monster on the left. |
Current time: 3:43 a.m.
I have had a fitful night of sleep, fighting a self-induced migraine cause by lack of Starbucks. Tossing, turning, dosing, pain, fighting, and finally, a nap. In the most recent interrupted portentous vision, I dreamt I was on the talk show circuit, promoting my novel. You know, the one I haven't finished yet and spend more time writing about it here than writing it. One can ignore the Muses for only so long before they stop being so subtle. I get it, ladies. Message received.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
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Bite me |
Today's funny
Drake: I invented a new color. The color of awesome!
Flynn: Oooooo! What does it look like?
Drake: I don't know yet.
What's wrong with society
You really had to imprint "play money" on bills one-third the size of a normal bill and in black and white instead of green? I weep for our future.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
How to (unintentionally) make a congregation cry
That's all.
I remember the elderly man walking into church. He held his military baseball hat in his left hand as he walked to a pew toward the front. The hat was brown; I don't recall seeing one in brown before. Navy seems to be the color of choice for military baseball-style hats. I wasn't able to see the specifics. My eyesight isn't that good.
Two bars into the song, used for the communion hymn, he makes a hasty retreat to the back of the church, holding his hand over his mouth, face flushed red, and holding back tears. We watch him go, helpless to help him. He leans against the wall at the back of the sanctuary, and the sobbing begins. His shoulders betray what he was trying to hide. A near-by usher goes over and puts his arm around the man. For those of us watching it all unfold, if we weren't crying already, that moment sent us over the edge. The usher did what the rest of us wished we could do. He composes himself in time to be the last person in the whole place to receive communion. The usher makes sure the priest waits. We are still weeping, wondering his story and what made him react.
A few people ask the usher at the end of mass, since the man left fairly quickly, why the man reacted as he did. I didn't inquire. Two reasons. 1. I couldn't stop crying. (I'm crying as I write this 12 hours later.) 2. It really wasn't my business. I just wanted him to be comforted; it didn't matter that it wasn't me. He story is is own, and I was a stranger. Based on his age and his hat, I'm sure he heard that song at many a funeral: for fallen comrades in arms, maybe a spouse or a child. I don't know.
Thankfully, the universe has a way of giving us perspective. A toddler escaped his parents during the announcements. He ran to the nearest stoup, and blessed himself repeatedly using scoopfuls of holy water. He was very proud, and we were thankful for the levity.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Reflections on my teaching career (some NSFW language)
Student: I don't get it.
Me: What part?
Student: All of it.
Me: Did you do all of the reading for the week and watch the tutorial and look through the samples?
Student: ...
Me: Grrr
I recall being lazy during college with the tendency to procrastinate. In spite of that, I still participated in classroom discussions and submitted every assignment on time. I could have done more, but I didn't whine to any of my professors to let me do extra credit. The fault was entirely my own if I didn't earn full points. I didn't blame work or family or life. Granted, I didn't have children while earning any of my degrees. If you want the piece of paper enough, you'll find a way to make it work. The apathy, the entitledness, the learned helplessness. All of this has worn me down.
Thankfully, my passion has been rekindled for teaching. Who would have thought it would be because of a bunch of kindergartners? I never had the desire to teach elementary school. I didn't want to dumb down my language, and I didn't want to deal with that different set of issues. But, for the first time in my career, I am teaching to people who actually want to be there, who are excited about what is going on, and who don't have a chip on their shoulders. I was unaware of the level of enthusiasm and joy the younger ones possess. The following responses were recorded from an in-school demo.
3-5:: Whoa, that's awesome!
6-8: Um, is there a reason why you're here?
See, by junior high, the pattern of behavior I deal with at the college level has already manifested. Granted, these are only generalizations based on my observations. I'm sure if I taught electives or Honors classes, my reflections would be different. Sure, it isn't all roses and cupcakes. I still hear "I can't do it" and have a couple kids who don't want to be there. The percentage is so low that I'm not bothered by it.
I'm not going to do anything crazy, like go back to school to earn another degree, in elementary education this time. I just wonder if I would be as jaded. Would I be as frustrated? Who knows? That's a big "what if?". For now, I'm going to enjoy the shift in teaching focus and hope that my enjoyment is long lived.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Stupid spider
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Mix tape
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For reference purposes only |
Song selection on a mix tape is an art. What was the intention of including the Psychedelic Furs? Is there a deeper meaning behind the inclusion of "Bridge Over Troubled Waters"? What the hell- "Enjoy the Silence"??? But, I digress. Creating a playlist is too easy. All one has to do is click and drag, then click another button to burn the playlist to a CD. Where is the effort? Where is the heart and soul of creating a mix tape for someone? Before, one had to scour one's collection (or wait for the damn song to be played on the radio), queue up the song, and wait until the time was right to stop recording. The creator had to pay attention! It's a tragedy, really. I would totally bring the art form back, but I haven't had a cassette player (much less a dual deck) in over a decade. *Sigh*
As a reference for all you youngins out there, this is the significance... (Oh, some language in this one.)
So, to those of you who have ever given me a mix tape, thank you for taking the time to do so. You know who you are. ;)
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
How I Feel Watching Game of Thrones with Tim (who actually read the books and knows what's going to happen)
Tim: What do you mean?
M: In the end. Is it Robb? Stanus? Who?
T: No one. No one kills King Joffrey. He lives.
M: He wins?!? Jesus, Tim, what'd you make me watch this for?
T: I think we'd better stop. You're taking this very seriously.
M: No. I'm OK. I'll finish watching.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Old meme; new twist
She'll make you put away your bike after every ride.
She'll make you eat what you asked for, even if you don't want it anymore.
She is...
The Meanest Mommy in the World
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
He can't remember what he did earlier today, yet...
Flynn: I was stung by a bee once. [This was last summer, BTW.]
Me: Yes, you were. Do you remember why?
F: No.
M: You tried to move it to the other side of the yard. Bees don't like that.
F: And Drake made me a Kraken. [Drake drew a picture of a Kraken to cheer him up.]
M: Yes, he did. To make you feel better.
F: What I really needed was an ice pack.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
He's Serious
Me: Flynn, what is the "P" word Drake needs to hear?
Flynn: Paleontologist.
Me: hahahahahahaha
Flynn: [a little hurt] You don't have to laugh about it, Mommy.
Me: But, it was a funny joke.
Flynn: It wasn't a joke. I'm serious.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Where's the pause button?
I have a few minutes before the next class begins to sit still. I haven't been able to do this much lately. The new quarter started, and with it, I am teaching two classes and the business starts in nine schools. Momentum is building. I've never been so happy to be so stressed out.