I am starting this blog entry from 35,000 feet, on a WiFi enabled flight. So far, this is both cool and incredibly frustrating. Yippee- I get to log in. Boo- Dial-up is faster. I'm sure I'll get over it. The banner at the top of the web page let's me know that we will be arriving in one hour and 15 minutes and that there is light snow in Seattle.
This marks the end of a fabulous extended weekend in Las Vegas. I am bleary-eyed and exhausted, as is Tim. (And, as it should be leaving that city. If you aren't, as Tim says, you aren't doing Vegas right.) We were finally able to uphold our promise to ourselves that we made five years ago when we surrendered our season tickets at Phoenix International Raceway. This was easy to do since we had already moved to Tacoma. We released the tickets so we could take that money and go see other tracks.
**Ack-- turbulence!**
What was I writing? Oh, yeah, new tracks. We picked Vegas for the spring race, knowing the weather should be really nice. It did not disappoint.
The sign in the background
"Welcome Race Fans" |
We landed on Friday night around 6. The line for the taxi stand was akin to Disneyland rides in summertime: really freaking long and winding. The taxi driver took us through the tunnel to get to the Luxor. I had never been that way. For the record, it cost twice as much as the taxi ride to the airport. It really is the long way around. After checking in and freshening up, we had dinner at the Tender Steakhouse in the hotel. The only requirement I had for the trip (besides the race) was a juicy steak. It was wonderful. I haven't spent that much on a steak dinner since Prom, I think. Totally worth it. Sure, I could have found a steak for $14.99 somewhere off the strip, but I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't have tasted as good. Plus, with the cab fare to get there, it would be a wash financially. After dinner we hit the craps table. I had the best run of the dice that I have had in years. I had another player tipping me because he was winning so much money off of my throws. I nearly doubled my money, which meant I paid for our yummy steak dinner.
The happy couple- knowing a steak is on the way. |
Saturday morning was an early one. Vegas that early in the day is a little strange. There are a few people still at the tables, and I feel sorry for the dealer who are stuck working that shift. Not a lot of high rollers at that time of the day. We went through a tour group for the trip. The company took care of the tickets, hotel reservations, and transportation. This was definitely the way to go. No hassle on our part. Las Vegas Motor Speedway is a fantastic facility. Everything is laid out well without too much extra walking to find amenities. I've seen alcohol at the races before (mostly beer and the occasional bloody mary cart), but nothing like this. You couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a beverage that was spiked: lemonade, coffee, mojitios, bloody marys, bourbon, Jack, margaritas, the works! I also don't recall seeing that many toddlers at the races. Sure, I've seen younger kids, but not babies. I don't think they were getting as much out of the experience as their parents.
[Writing from the ground now... the next day... after some much needed rest... It has taken me almost a week to recover, and this was the most sober trip to Vegas I have ever taken.]
[OK, it's been a few weeks now. If I don't write immediately, life gets in the way. How about I just post some lovely pictures now...]
Outside the race track |
I took this one for the sole reason of annoying Mike. :) |
Those are our seats. Way, way up there.
As seen from the neon garage. |
Here's what is super cool about Vegas: the Neon Garage.
We are looking down on Jeff Gordon's pit while they are working. |
Such a beautiful day! |
Saturday night. Trying to get some sleep. And then this happened...
And it wouldn't stop. One hour later... bloody hell!
Sunday morning. Even earlier than Saturday (and we lost an hour due to frickin' Daylight Savings Time). Can you say, "Zombie?" Also super cool about the Neon Garage: we were able to attend the drivers' meeting.
This is the closest Tim has ever been to Jeff Gordon. |
Kasey Kahne (in the ball cap); Jamie McMurray (in red) |
I'm very Pavlovian; I must have peanuts at a sporting event. It took me a day and a half to find these. |
Even with all those people, it still wasn't sold out. I've never had so much room to sit at a track. |
The race was awesome! The Thunderbirds did the fly over. The wind kept us cool and we stayed bundled in our hoodies (which kept us from getting sunburned). Tony Stewart won the race.
That night, we went to see the Blue Man Group, and scored seats in the "Splash Zone".
The trip was fantastic; I would definitely do it again. We may try another track next time. Who knows? I'm thinking Sonoma.