Saturday, January 21, 2012

Yes, it is winter

December taunted us, with its bitter cold and nothing to show for it.  January decided to do what December couldn't: snow.  This was our wintry week.

Sunday- first official snow day
Off to Pao's for the now traditional first snow day donut.
Happy to be in the snow
Monday- MLK day (officially no school)
Off to Grandma and Grandpa's house for some sledding
Go, Grandpa, Go!
Hello, there.  We are the same height
Most everything melted off Monday night, which makes me wonder why school started two hours late.  (Two hours late means no school for Drake.)  Oh well, no big deal.  Both boys had developed the sniffles, so staying home wasn't so bad.  Tuesday night is when it all hit.
By mid-day on Wednesday, seven inches of snow fell.
And then, the freezing rain came.  We ended up with a half inch of ice atop the seven inches of snow
Mid-day Thursday
Icicle snack time 
Flynn wanted to know who put out the Christmas decorations on the tree.
It glittered with all the ice.  So pretty.
The bird netting looked like chain mail.  Crazy.
Thankfully, the normal rain started late afternoon on Friday.  Flynn sampled ice from every part of the property.  He preferred the driveway ice, but got a kick out of the patio furniture ice.  (It was in a scroll pattern.)  We were finally able to leave the house Saturday.  An entire week of snow days will wear a parent out.  Pulling the sled isn't as much fun as being on it.  Plus, my brain is a little mushy from all the Curious George and Lego Indiana Jones.

Before this, I only experienced one snow day.  1996- UPS.  It wasn't the snow so much as the ice.  Everything around here is build on a damn hill.  No way would I drive on the roads, then or now.

Monday, January 16, 2012

What's your record...?

On the way to Hayley's soccer game with the boys and my parents, Mom receives a text that a new family member, Wesley, is on the way.  The following conversation ensues with Flynn.

Flynn:  Mommy, what's a Wesley?
Me: He's your new...uh...cousin... we'll go with that.  [Second cousin?  Third cousin twice removed?  Not sure.  I'll figure it out someday.]
F:  What's a cousin?
M: A cousin is a relative.
F: What's a relative?
M: Members of your family.
F: What's a family?
M: A group of people connected by blood that are a great source of stress.
F: What's stress?
M: What's your record for consecutive questions?
F: What's a record?
M: Gaaah!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The secret cat language

Drake: Mommy, we need to put a sign in our yard that says, "No cats allowed.  Stop pooping in our yard."
Me: Really?  OK.  But, how will the cats read it?
D:  We'll write it in Meows.  It will say, "Meow meow meow meow meow meow."

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pre-K Popularity

By now, I just assume that Drake will turn out like me socially: one or two really close friends and that is all.  There's nothing wrong with that, and I don't want him to think there is anything wrong with that.  I'd rather have one or two close, loyal, awesome friends than many false ones.  Today, I was able to witness the interaction between him and some others boys in his class which made me smile and be hopeful for his sociability.

For Christmas, Flynn gave Drake a Lego Star Wars Darth Vader key chain flashlight.  As soon as Drake walked into the social hall this morning (after a two week break), he went directly to a small group of boys and showed them his key chain.  I have never seen three boys so in awe of an item.  I heard Oohs and Aahs and Cools.  They grew more excited when Drake turned on the flashlight part.  I was all smiles on the way home to a quiet house.  What a fantastic way to return from break, for all of us.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Things that really need to be invented

1.  A self-cleaning house, with a bonus laundry function
2.  Lysol Disinfecting House Bomb.  Perfect when illness runs rampant in the house
3.  Pot Roast scented candles.  For when I'm too lazy to cook.
4.  Volume control for other people (but mostly when the children are whining)